Trigger Point Dry Needling Treatment

What is Trigger Point Dry Needling?

Trigger Point Dry Needling is an effective technique used by physical therapists for the treatment of musculoskeletal related pain. The technique used is referred to as “dry” needling, as there is no medication or injection used prior to or during the treatment.

In physical therapy and sports physical therapy, this technique can be a effective treatment for pain and other symptoms, and can help you recover faster and improve your performance.

What Should I Expect?

Trigger Point Dry Needling may be used in addition to traditional physical therapy as a complement to your treatment. It is intended to provide relief of muscular pain and stiffness. In addition to decreased muscle spasm or tightness, you may notice greater flexibility and range of motion. Mild side effects such as bruising, temporary soreness and minimal bleeding at the injection site are very common, but serious side effects are rare.

The clinicians that perform this technique have gone through extensive coursework, and have specialized training and are Certified Dry Needling Therapists (CDNT). Personal Protective Equipment is used with each patient and each sterile needle is properly disposed of in a sharps container.

Dry Needling is similar to acupuncture only in that they both use thin, sterile filiform needles. The differences are illustrated in the Venn diagram,Trigger Point Dry Needling vs Acupuncture, below.

Trigger Point Dry Needling vs Acupuncture?

dry needling vs acupuncture venn diagram